Gangsta Granny

Gangsta Granny

It’s becoming a tradition that we try to arrange our schedule to go and see my old friend Howard performing every summer in whatever touring outdoor show he is in. This year it is Gangsta Granny, the heartwarming tale of a boy who discovers his grandmother is an infamous jewel thief.

Howard (in the silver vest above) plays the boy’s father…

… and an obnoxious neighborhood watch busybody.

You may notice something strange about some of these pictures.

That’s right, the sun is shining. After what seems like forty days and forty nights of water falling from the skies…

Not a canal, thank goodness

… the clouds parted and a vulture carrying an olive tree plummeted to the ground. Something like that, anyhow. YMMV

It was a lovely evening, and the production was delightful. The many kids in the audience had a great time, but there was plenty of fun for the adults, too.

After the show we went out to dinner with my brother and his wife, to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. The restaurant was cramped, and the floor was uneven (I was in danger of being tipped face forwards off my chair into the table) but the food was delicious.

One thought on “Gangsta Granny

  1. The above-mentioned Howard was extremely pleased that Andrew and Paula managed to come to see yet another David Walliams adaptation…

    Andrew and I met in 1967 when we were moved together into 3Alpha at Queen Mary’s Grammar School in Walsall. (See the Warwick St. Mary’s diary entry for more on Queen Mary.)

    Andrew introduced me to many mathematical puzzles and new plays. We were in the same college at University 1973-76 too. A fifty-two year friendship!

    You can see why I’m chuffed that he and Paula are there to see me living the dream of being a professional actor having worked in Mathematics for so long.

    Let me know where you’re berthed tomorrow evening and I’ll pick you up and bring you for dinner here. Hx

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