Squid and other Delights

Squid and other Delights

The day started out with some heavy rain showers, so we waited around the apartment until things were clearing up, and then went up to the Honoré Police Station.

Both the inside and outside are used in the TV show, but when they are not filming you can go inside and explore. Yes, they have cells there, too, scene of many a misleading confession.

You can sit at the desk and read the paperwork.

I don’t remember HonorĂ© beach being closed because of e-coli in the show, but maybe they left that out.

They should have just let people go on swimming, nobody here dies of natural causes.

Mister Pelican is sulking because he no longer appears in the opening credits in the current season.

After lunch we were going to go on a hike, but we checked in one of the local dive shops to see about snorkeling tours, and the only one available this week was leaving in five minutes, so we went and grabbed our snorkel gear and joined. I was going to say “signed up”, but you don’t actually have to sign anything to go on a trip here. No liability release, no payment. After the trip, you are offered a drink (flavored rum or bottled water) and still not asked for money. You have to ask to pay.

Anyhow, the trip involved a dinghy ride to a sailboat, a short sail down the coast, and snorkeling on a lovely reef close to shore. There were only two other guests on the tour, and English couple from Oxford. That meant that with the guide there were four suspects and a victim on the boat, but miraculously we are all still alive. Jim did get a nasty bout of what he said was sea sickness, but it was probably just one of us trying to poison him.

I could watch squid for hours.

They are mysterious and lovely, a strange alien life form shimmering elegantly backwards and forwards (or is it forwards and backwards?) though the water. I actually watched two of the for about twenty minutes. they are staying together, but not too close. I could tell them apart, and had given them both names. This one is Niblet.

While I was squidding, I spotted a fish I had never seen before. It was hiding under a rock, and only coming out for just enough time to not get a decent photograph. This is the best I managed.

It’s a Spotted Drum, and aside from the distinctive black and white markings it had s sort of plume on top of its head.

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