Zoo and Waterfall

Zoo and Waterfall

The best thing about Guadeloupe Zoo is not the animals, but the setting, a lush tropical rainforest.

The animal collection is mostly species found locally, and in South America. Racoons are native…

… mongooses were introduced from India…

… iguanas are native.

This guy is depressed. I suspect he auditioned for the part of Henry in Death in Paradise, and is pissed off that they gave the part to a CGI lizard instead.

Look! This little chap has a thagomizer!

OK, it’s only one spike instead of four, but Thag Simmons had better watch out.

This is a Brown Trembler. He wasn’t in a cage, he lives in the rain forest. He was jumping around the undergrowth, tail up, wings down, shaking like crazy. I can’t find out why.

The zoo also offers a change to visit the rain forest canopy via a series of fourteen rocking and bouncy suspension bridges. Here’s Paula crossing one of the longer ones.

I kept expecting Terry Gilliam to be waiting with three questions round the next corner.

After the zoo we headed further inland to the Cascade aux Ecrevisses. A short walk through the forest took us to a pretty little waterfall.

The plunge pool is used as a swimming hole.

We had come prepared with swimsuits and water shoes, and duly got splattered by falling water.

4 thoughts on “Zoo and Waterfall

  1. My guess is mating dance; the trembling,etc.
    Beautiful place. How’s the water temp? Good for swimming?

    1. I thought it might be mating, but there were no other birds around, and apparently they do it all the time.
      Water temperature was refreshing. It took me a minute or two to take the plunge, but it was fine once we were in.

    2. Ocean is warm enough to swim in swim suits. The waterfall and pond were, shall we say, bracing? Maybe on a par with our pool in Freeport. I was laughing the whole time going beneath the waterfall, grooving on how cool it was…you would *love* the foliage everywhere.

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