Farewell Jamaica

Farewell Jamaica

Yesterday we picked Sherri up from the Airport, and drove back to the yacht club with a stop at the store, to pick up ‘one or two things’. This turned into a buying spree costing about 10,000 Jamaican dollars which sounds a lot but is only about $80 in US money. The Jamaican dollar started out worth more than the US dollar, but due to high inflation in the 80s and 90s it is now worth less than cent. Still I can feel like a high roller tipping with hundred dollar bills.

Sorrel is a thing here.

It’s the flowers of one variety of hibiscus plant. It’s are used to flavor soft and alcoholic drinks. You can even get Red Stripe beer flavored with sorrel.

Budget car rental picked our car up from the Yacht Club rather than us having to drive to the airport one more time.

Today was a possible departure day for us, but the skipper (Peter) has decided to wait for more favorable wind conditions, likely on Tuesday morning. Montego Bay is towards the western end of the north coast of Jamaica. We are going to sail around the western end and then follow the south coast for a bit before setting out across the Caribbean. This will give us some additional hours of rest in a protected anchorage before the long crossing.

Instead I spent the day reading and napping while Paula and Sherri caught up with the laundry, and Peter did boaty things. We are now over at the Yacht Club for dinner.

One thought on “Farewell Jamaica

  1. This is interesting. I’ve seen hibiscus drink in supermarkets in Tucson and Houston, with labelling in Spanish, and the flower is called ‘Jamaica’.

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