Thomas Lives!

Thomas Lives!

We are moored next to one of the stations for the Nene Valley Railway, one of many ‘heritage railways’ in the UK running vintage steam and diesel engines along one of the railway lines axed by the Tories in the 1960s. They let you peek in the maintenance shed.
Thomas face
That looks like a familiar face. Could it be?
Thomas the tank engine
It is, it is, it is! Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas has not been feeling well lately, but all the local kids have sent him hand colored get well cards, so I’m sure he’ll be back on his wheels and rolling up and down the tracks soon.
Get well Thomas
This is perhaps not quite the original Thomas, but this one was officially named by the Rev. W Awdry in 1971, so it doesn’t get much more Thomasy than that.

Some of you probably have no idea what I am talking about. You led a deprived childhood, is all.

Thomas is not the only media star at the Nene Valley Railway. They also have a Bond girl.
Bond Girl
This lovely Swedish model played a devastating East German train in the James Bond movie Octopussy. In her big scene she took on a Mercedes in a head on collision and won. The Merc was hurled off the railway bridge we are moored next to. I hope they dredged the river afterwards.

Here’s some more train pictures.
Train Engine

Train Engine

Train Engine

Train Engine

Train Crane
Well, it makes a change from thatched cottages, doesn’t it?

The other thing of interest in Stibbington, is an honest-to-goodness truck stop.
Truck Stop
There aren’t too many truck stops in the UK, mostly because the country is small enough that a truck can get across it without having to stop. However, should an HGV driver feel like a meal two hours north of London, the Stibbington Cafe is just off the A1. They are open twenty four hours, so I’m tempted to go there for breakfast at 2am just because I can.

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