Work Day

Work Day

This morning we were woken again in the small hours by the low battery alarm going off. It was a little later I found the reason.
Broken Banana
This was a bracket that held the alternator in place. When that broke the alternator moved and the belt that drives it shredded, so the batteries did not charge properly.

Luckily we already had an electrician booked to work on the boat today. I called Alex up to let him know, and he was able to find a replacement part. Warren and his assistant Paula turned up around noon, so we had two Paulas on the boat. Warren set to work checking out the battery bank (rewiring it to be more efficient), then moving some things around, fixing the alternator mount, and adding a 12v receptacle in the bedroom, so (my) Paula will be able to run her CPAP without turning on the inverter.

It was a lovely day, warm and sunny. When the work was done we took the boat up a flight of five locks. One of the pounds (the passages between the locks) was almost empty, so I had to navigate that one carefully. The alternator stayed attached.

The next big boat work day is on Wednesday when we have the pram cover fitted.

One thought on “Work Day

  1. Hi Paula and Andrew

    My name is Karen, and I hope to be borrowing your boat this winter, we have booked it with Alex. I hope you don’t mind me contacting you, I just wondered if you had any tips for enjoying Wharram Percy.
    I think it has a solar panel, from reading your blog, and a cratch and pram cover which will be very handy for winter cruising.
    We are very excited to be boating for an extended period of time, having only done a week at a time before. Wharram Percy seems ideal as a liveaboard.
    However, we have a motorhome, and often go South for the winter, but Brexit and Covid have made that a bit difficult this year.

    Do you use a TV, and if so what size would you suggest? We would supply our own, probably.

    Are you here this summer? It would be lovely to meet you , if you are anywhere near Worcester.

    Best wishes

    Karen and Paul

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