From Astley’s Circus to Dunham Massey

From Astley’s Circus to Dunham Massey

This is a portrait of Catherine Grey (née Cox) in bedding plants.
Catherine Cox
In the early 1850s she was a trick rider with Astley’s Circus in London (the first modern circus) but she married George Grey, the Seventh Earl of Stamford. They were married for three decades, and she survived him for another two, dying in 1905. Today she is commemorated in the gardens at Dunham Massey, a house that they lived in briefly after they married.

Our guide to the gardens seemed to think it was a little surprising that Catherine was better at managing the estates than her husband, but quite frankly it takes a lot more common sense and self discipline to be a circus performer than it does to be an aristocrat. If you can learn how to jump through a flaming hoop from the back of a moving horse, then learning how to pay the bills on time and not run up massive gambling debts is no big deal.

Catherine was George’s second wife. After Eton, George attended Cambridge University for a year. Most aristocrats at the time did not bother taking degrees or studying very much. For them university was more of a way of making social connections. Studying was for scholarship boys hoping to become Church of England priests.

BED-MAKER. Women employed at Cambridge to attend on the Students, sweep his room, &c. They will put their hands to any thing, and are generally blest with a pretty family of daughters: who unmake the beds, as fast as they are made by their mothers.

So says Captain Francis Grose in his invaluable 1811 Dictionary in the Vulgar Tongue. So it was apparently for George Grey, but being a man of moral principles he married the bedmaker’s daughter who was unmaking his bed. This was scandalous. They had a happy marriage, but Victorian society breathed a sigh of relief when she died of tuberculosis after six years of wedded bliss. Now perhaps the Earl of Stamford could find a suitable wife from the right sort of people.

In a giant f*ck you to Victorian society, George found a wife even less socially acceptable, a circus performer with gypsy blood and an illegitimate daughter from a previous relationship. They were ostracized in London. Queen Victoria refused to sit in the box adjacent to theirs at the opera, in case the stench of scandal should burrow through the wall of the box and envelop the monarchy. When they returned to his ancestral estates at Dunham Massey, the local bell ringers at the church nearby started ringing the bells to welcome them home, but the church wardens broke down the church doors to silence them. When they attended the local horse race meeting, everyone turned their back on them, and the ladies opened their parasols to protect themselves from the shadow of sin.

At that point the newlyweds gave up on Cheshire, and moved to the more accommodating county of Staffordshire, taking most of the furniture, paintings, and silverware with them, and even some of the more useful (or perhaps decorative) servants.

The house was closed today, so I can’t show you the inside, but the outside looks like this.
Dunham Massey
As I was taking this photo we got talking to a very nice couple, Anne and Mike. Anne is a volunteer room guide in the house, and came to visit the gardens on her day off. She gave us the story of the first and second Earls. The first one got his title by picking the winning side in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. That got rid of James II who had a good claim to the throne but was catholic, and replaced him with William III (no claim to the throne) and his wife Mary (decent claim to the throne but female and therefore not to be trusted with it) who were protestant. William escalated the process of settling catholics in Northern Ireland, setting the scene for hundreds of years of sectarian prejudice and violence. On the other hand without the exiled James II’s son Bonnie Prince Charlie there would have been no Outlander books, so I think we have to say the Glorious Revolution was a wash.

Right, where were we? Oh, yes. The first earl was not a good money manager, to the point where his wife was reduced to borrowing money from the servants, so their son the second earl set out to rebuild the family fortunes. He did this in the traditional way of English aristocrats, hard work and enterprise.

Just kidding, he married an heiress. He’s the one who built the house above with his wife’s money, apart from the ghastly Victorian neoclassical facade in the middle.

The guy holding up the sundial apparently represents the continent of Africa.
Apparently in the 18th century the entire continent of Africa had nothing to do except kneel on a plinth and balance a sundial on his head. It’s not as if sundials work more than one day in four in Northern England, any way.

“I say old chap what time is it now?”
“Well the weather forecast says it will be sunny next Thursday, so I’ll be able to tell you then.”

As with most National Trust properties, the gardens are lovely.
Dunham Massey Gardens
Dunham Massey Gardens
Dunham Massey Gardens
This spherical topiary is a hundred year old oak tree. It has been pruned once or twice a year for the past century.
Dunham Massey Gardens
Dunham Massey Gardens
The rose garden is stunning.
Dunham Massey Gardens
Dunham Massey Gardens
Dunham Massey Gardens
These giant lilies bloom for a week or two after growing for six years and then die. We timed our visit just right.
Dunham Massey Gardens

After lunch we took a brief cruise to Lymm (pronounced LIM) past a strange mooring with hand crocheted tiki covers. Strange Mooring

The coming of the railway turned Lymm into an early commuter town. It is professionally cute and is suffering from a bad attack of bunting, but at least has a small Sainsbury’s and several thrift stores, so you can buy stuff you actually need.
A sandstone column of no known purpose dominates the main intersection.
Sandstone Column
It sits on a stepped pyramid. The signs say that it was restored in 1897, which means that the Victorians probably thought it was a phallic symbol so they built a cage around it.

Meanwhile in the window of the butcher’s shop a few kidneys are making a desperate bid for freedom across the sea of pork. Escaping kidneys
There is no hope for them I’m afraid, a steak and kidney pie awaits.

8 thoughts on “From Astley’s Circus to Dunham Massey

  1. In the early 1850s she was a trick rider with Astley’s Circus in London (the first modern circus) but she married George Grey, the Seventh Earl of Stamford.

    I would like to know where you have researched this information above? I have found no proof of this and I have researched Catherine Countess of Stamford and Warrington for many years.

    Philip Astley died in 1814 so I am unsure of the connection with the Countess, obviously, you have researched your blog so I would like to see your research.

    Studying was for scholarship boys hoping to become Church of England priests.

    Really I am unsure where you have got this information from?

    In a giant f*ck you to Victorian society, George found a wife even less socially acceptable, a circus performer with gypsy blood and an illegitimate daughter from a previous relationship.

    Major sensationalisation and you are forgetting that Catherine Countess of Stamford and Warrington was a woman, a woman who died over 113 years ago, the Prince of Wales visited the Earl and the Countess many times at Bradgate House in Leicestershire, so she was accepted in society.

    1. Hi Lynne, thanks for your comments. As I stated in the blog post, the information came from a lady called Anne, who is one of the guides at Dunham Massey.

      Astley’s Circus continued operating long after Astley’s death, and was still around in the 1850s (see ).

      I attended Cambridge University, and am quite familiar with its history. To this day the University records matriculation dates rather than graduation dates, as many aristocrats who attended in the 18th and 19th centuries did not bother to graduate.

      As far as what was acceptable in Victorian society, you must remember that the Prince of Wales had very different standards from his mother or indeed much of polite society. Queen Victoria wrote of her son, “I never can, or shall, look at him without a shudder,” so she may well have felt the same way about his friends.

      I did not at all forget that Catherine was a woman, and a very competent one at that. I have a far higher opinion of circus performers than aristocrats, and I think that George was quite right to say f*ck you to Victorian society.

      Have you been to Dunham Massey? It’s a lovely place. Take a tour there and ask the guides where they are getting their information from.

      1. After more research and emails with Lynne Cox on this I think that she may be right and the National Trust and the Guardian may be wrong! I can find no contemporary evidence that Catherine Cox ever worked for Astley’s Circus. We are currently digging to find the source of this story.

    1. Thanks for you comments Kerry. Yes, I’ve seen that post, but it doesn’t quote any sources. I think the best information for Catherine’s early life may be this book . The author seems to have access to George Smythe’s letters to Disraeli and others. Parts of the book are available on Google Books, but not the pages describing Catherine’s earlier adventures. I have ordered a copy but won’t be back in the States to look at it till the end of next month. I’ll update this thread then.

    1. Yes, I did get that book, and some other material on Lady Catherine. It’s clear that she was a “pretty horse breaker”, an attractive young woman employed by a horse dealer to ride his best horses through the park in London to advertise them. She certainly had at least one affair before her marriage and probably several, and she also worked hard on self-improvement. It’s not clear if she ever performed at Astley’s Circus. That was a claim made to boost the prestige of a number of equestriennes, without necessarily being true. If she did it was not in a starring role, as she does not appear in any of Astley’s posters or advertisements that I have been able to track down. Nor is there a good source for her being snubbed by Queen Victoria. A lot of the National Trust’s accounts seems to come from an article in “The Saturday Book #20” published in 1960. This does not quote any sources, so it is impossible to fact check. If you like I can forward you a scan of the article from The Saturday Book (with the caveat that it may be not be entirely accurate).

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