A True Story

A True Story

A man was traveling the world. In Africa his camera and equipment was stolen, which upset him a lot. In Tibet he managed to get an audience with the Dalai Lama. They talked about his trip and he mentioned the theft, among other things. He was still upset about it. At the end of the audience, he asked for a blessing from the Dalai Lama, and the Dalai Lama smiled and said, “Get over it.”

We’re trying to accept that wisdom ourselves. I think we will get there in day or two. This morning we are waiting for the forensics people to come and try to get fingerprints, then we are going to get out of Birmingham. In the mean time here are some pictures of Brum I took yesterday.
Ghastly Building
RepBrum Canal
The heart of the canal system, Old Turn Junction and Gas Street Basin.
Old Turn Junction
Gas Street Basin

4 thoughts on “A True Story

  1. Sorry to hear about the theft, but do have to add that I had heard that Dalai Lama story too….on another subject entirely, per the BBC website, Brum has the second-largest percentage of bearded men in the UK. Andrew, you’re skewing the statistics.

  2. Most likely, Ade, you heard that story where we did: Kat Meltzer was in a writers’ group with the man to whom the anecdote occurred. (I think it was in India, not Africa, though.)

  3. as you implied ..amazing they did not also get your phone and computer. will ask you later ref those did you have them hidden extra well? sorry about the Kindle and chargers

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