Delusions of the Waterways
A couple of days ago we went past a boat called Out Of The Blue. It was green. Today there was Red Red Wine. Guess what color that was?

We even passed a TARDIS that was mostly green. I don’t care if it’s bigger on the inside, you can’t call it TARDIS unless it’s blue with white trim.

Abject Failure in the TARDIS Department

This morning we cruised down to Wolverton, stopping in Cosgrove for water. A boatload of students from Magdalene (pron MAUD-lynn) College Cambridge were at the water point ahead of us. All but one of them were female, which is nice to see, as Magdalene was the last of the Cambridge colleges to admit women.
By the canal in Wolverton there are two larger than life statues, the rusting spirit of the Railway Age…

… and the bright, stainless steel spirit of the Bicycle Age.

They obviously haven’t seen my bicycle.
Nick and Margaret, repeat crew members, joined us in Wolverton. Nick showed a disturbing eagerness to explore Milton Keynes by canal boat. In the past he has been forced to traverse it by bicycle. Perhaps he has some delusional fantasy that it might less boring from the water.